This page is to introduce you to the benefits of being unionized. You will find documents vulgarizing Quebec laws and a summary of your legal rights as well as answers to some questions you ask yourself. You will also find links to the full texts of the laws and also to web pages of various organizations working for workers wellbeing and some short promotional video. An encouraging speech by the International President, Mr. Matthew D. Loeb, held at an IATSE convention. Share this information with your colleagues or invite them to visit this page, ‘l’union fait la force’ and together we work to improve our working conditions to enable us to attain prosperity.

(Some content is only available in French or English)

I.A.T.S.E. Equality Statement

The following Equality Statement was unanimously approved at the Winter General Executive Board Meeting in Hollywood, Florida. It outlines the IATSE’s commitment to creating an inclusive working environment where differences are valued and equality is celebrated.

Equal rights are the cornerstone of the labour movement. Unions were founded on the principle that all people are equal and all people are deserving of respect and fair treatment. Equality issues run through all areas of trade union activities – from health and safety to wage negotiations.

The International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees (IATSE) is committed to equality of opportunity and to eliminating all forms of discrimination. We are opposed to unlawful and unfair discrimination and oppression on the grounds of gender (including transgender people), relationship or marital status, race or ethnicity, disability, sexual orientation, age, language, background, political or religious beliefs, physical appearance, pregnancy or responsibility for dependents.

We believe that equality for all is a basic human right and we actively oppose all forms of unlawful and unfair discrimination. IATSE leaders and members must be vigilant in working, both with each other and with our employers, to promote an equal and welcoming environment for all people, through our actions, attitudes, and language. The IATSE celebrates the diversity of society and is striving to promote and reflect that diversity within this organisation.

Rules that the employer does not have the right to exploit during an accreditation

Provincial Law 

  • Promise any benefits to employees to stay out of the union.
  • Threaten the loss of jobs, income, benefits, or any other compensation employees are now receiving if they do support the union.
  • Fire or threaten to fire employees because they support the union.
  • Attend union meetings or otherwise monitor employees’ union activity.
  • Treat employees differently because the employer thinks they are supporting the union.
  • Transfer employees because they are involved with the union.
  • Take work away from employees because they are supporting the union.
  • Ask employees about their opinion of the union.
  • Ask whether employees are supporting the union.
  • Ask employees how they think other employees would vote.
  • Generally ask employees at the time they are hired whether or not they belong to a union.
  • Help employees withdraw from union membership.
  • Tell employees there will be a strike.
  • Tell employees that the employer will not deal with the union.


IATSE 125th Anniversary

Le “Vrai” syndicalisme. Pourquoi? Partie 1

Le “Vrai” syndicalisme. Pourquoi? Partie 2

Le “Vrai” syndicalisme. Pourquoi? Partie 3

René Lévesque répond à Éric Duhaime et Mario Dumont à propos des syndicats

Matthew D. Loeb, IATSE International President

Meet Fergus – CLC One Minute Message Video Contest

What Have American Unions Ever Done For Us

Origins of IATSE Stagehands Union

Post, Proud A Documentary Short from the Motion Picture Editors Guild

Stand up for fairness – CLC One Minute Message Contest

Thank the Unions – CLC One Minute Message Contest