On this page you will find the necessary information, as well as the basic guidelines, for any permit worker.
Call system
Calls are sent by email. Make sure you have provided a working email to our office. Calls may end up in your spam emails. We recommend that you check your spam folder regularly. In addition, we recommend that you do not use an @videotron or an @sympatico email address as these often block the receipt of our emails. In general, not matter your email adress, do not delete the email you receive from us, simply archive them, because this sends notifications that our emails are spam and you risk not receiving calls. To avoid problems related to receiving emails, we recommend an @gmail address. We are currently looking for a solution to this problem. Thank you for your understanding.
When you receive a Crew Call for work, open and read the PDF document carefully (see below). If you are interested in a call, just answer “I am available for this call”. The dispatcher then notes your availability and, subsequently, will confirm your presence on the call with a message that will begin with “Confirmé pour…”*. After confirmation, you will receive a Crew List, which will be the same document as the Crew Call, but completed. If you don’t receive anything like that (confirmation and Crew List), the call is complete. If you’re not interested in a call, just don’t reply to the email.
*Example of confirmation message:
“Confirmé pour le mercredi 13 octobre au Théâtre Lionel-Groulx pour le montage de Louis-José Houde à 14h30.
Démontage à 21h30.
Merci et bonne journée!”
N.b. Be careful with the dates and times of the “out”. Because, when you are confirmed on an “in”, you are automatically confirmed for the “out” (unless indicated otherwise). The fact that it’s highlighted in yellow in the confirmation message is just a reminder.
For each call, make sure you have read the email in its entirety. This includes the attached “Crew Call” file (PDF format) or any other document provided. The “Crew Call” file contains all the key information specific to the call in question (date, time, place, event, skills required, number of people requested, etc.).
Take into consideration that our union is made up of about 300 members who have priority at all times for all the work obtained through room 56. They have until 10:00 am the day before a call to make themselves available for it.
Priority is given to people with the qualifications for the positions to be filled.
Hourly rates and other relevant information about our employers can be found on this page : https://iatse56.com/en/fiches-de-travail-en/ .
For all questions relating to calls only, please contact the call steward (callsteward@iatse56.com or 514-267-2859). For any other information, please contact the office (bureau@iatse56.com or 514-844-7233).
At work
If you cannot show up for work or will be late, you must notify the call steward as soon as possible by email, text or phone (514-267-2859). You are strongly advised to save this number in your Contacts as IATSE 56 call dispatcher. Please note that there may be penalties for unjustified absences or late arrivals.
Don’t forget to bring your work tools. (boots with steel cap, helmet, multi-tools, knife, hammer, adjustable wrench, etc.)
If a problem arises at work, please notify your manager who can resolve the situation or request the necessary resources to do so. Under no circumstances should you attempt to resolve the conflict on your own.
For each working day, write down the days and hours worked, the name of the event and the name of the employer. This will help you if you work for several different employers. Plus, it will be easier for you to determine when your payroll is ready.
Direct deposit is available with most employers. In addition, some collective agreements require direct deposit. To avoid delays or problems in processing your payroll, we require that a void cheque be delivered to our office in person or by email (bureau@iatse56.com).
For foreign workers, a copy of your work permit must be given to the union. This permit is absolutely necessary for the processing of your pay by employers.
The frequency of payroll is different from employer to employer. For any questions regarding the payroll cycle, hourly rate and contact for the payroll service, please refer to the work files page.
Some employers send your payslips to our offices. You will therefore have to come and collect them.
If you have any questions on the calculation of your hours (single time, time and a half, overtime, etc.), you can refer to the supervisor in charge or to the employer.
You are considered an employee with all the employers where we send you to work. You therefore have no invoices to produce and will receive tax slips from these employers. Please take note that the I.A.T.S.E. is not an employer.
Records of employment are issued at the request of the employee. Simply send a request by email to bureau@iatse56.com. A request from us will be sent by email to employers for the issuance of your record of employment.
Some employers pay an amount equal to their contribution to the members’ pension plan into the pay of each permit worker as compensation for the absence of a pension plan. If you wish to invest these sums, or any other amount, in an RRSP, I.A.T.S.E. offers permit workers who have worked at least five calls with our employers, the possibility of opening an RRSP account at the CEIRP (Canadian Entertainment Industry Retirement Plan) from Canada Life. Employees’ contributions to this plan are entirely voluntary and only contributions from employers (in particular from the Regroupement) are subject to withdrawal conditions established by the CEIRP. For more information on the plan, visit the CEIRP website https://www.ceirp.ca/en/. To join, visit our office to fill out the required form.
The Regroupement des techniciens de la scène du Québec inc. (RTSQ) is a wage payment company for contracts concluded between the union and producers / clients. Payrolls for these contracts are managed by our administrative team. Therefore, for any question relating to RTSQ payroll, please contact us.
The Union
All employees are protected by the collective agreements in force.
In the event of a problem in the workplace, the union has a duty to represent you.
When there is an injury or accident in the workplace, we can assist you in processing your CNESST file, etc.
A $ 10 union due must be paid annually and a 10% union due is deducted from your pay by the employer. The annual amount and percentage are subject to change without notice.
Law 25 on the protection of personal information of citizens of Quebec
The personal information recorded in forms or otherwise provided and collected by local section 56 will be retained for the following purposes : mailing lists, referral to producers, implementation of collective agreements to which the union is a party, payment of benefits, enforcement of rights conferred upon members under the Constitution and By-Laws of IATSE local 56 and governing legislation, as well as for any other purpose which is either reconcilable with the foregoing or provided for under governing legislation.
ln order to achieve the objectives referred to above, the IATSE local 56 may disclose personal information to agencies or organizations such as the following : employers with whom collective agreements are entered into, group RRSP and group insurance management institutions, payroll services, Training Trust Fund, other locals of the IATSE for which you might work, government authorities, as well as to any and all other third parties in favor of whom disclosure is required in order to achieve said objectives. Some personal information may also be disclosed to third parties who are allowed to benefit from such information pursuant to governing legislation as well as to the IATSE’s Constitution and By-Laws.
Please keep in mind that since the members of IATSE local 56 are also members of the IATSE, the personal information recorded in these forms will be forwarded to the IATSE, who will store and keep them outside of the province of Québec.
Any individual who signs and executes these forms may, at any given time, consult and correct the personal information it contains. They may also withdraw the consent they have given to the use and disclosure of said personal information by getting in touch with IATSE local 56.